Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

I thought about giving her a break on this one. After all, it was the day after her birthday.


Kicking things off with a lovely McDonald's bag and drink left in the living room.

Then she moved on to dying her hair (packet left literally 1 foot away from a trashcan). And then doing some straightening and cutting. She also left the shower head dangling. I guess I should count my lucky stars she at least left all of this stuff in the bathroom and it required no more than tossing it all in the under-sink cabinet to put it up, with the exception of the scissors which go in the kitchen. You don't even want to see the towel covered in black hair dye. It was a white towel originally. As per usual, her M.O. is to leave as many lights on as possible. She didn't disappoint on this day.