Friday, October 12, 2012

October 11, 2012

Pizza and makeup! Again! Also the bag from a trip to the nearby convenience store. Half empty Arizona tea can.

Kraft mac & cheese, a classic. Being left in the living room, not classic. Nor is the plastic seal, the empty cheese powder packet from inside and a half empty Quizno's cup all left laying on the counter no more than four feet from the trash can.

And, finally, this is what a bathroom will look like under the use of my sister. She moved out, it stayed clean every day. She moves back in, this is what happens after about 3 days. It's pretty impressive, actually.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10, 2012

Makeup. Again. But this time we had fettuccine while doing it.

Box and knife from the fettuccini.

Also the TV was left on, and a wet towel left on the leather couch. Nice.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

Makeup in the living room again. No doubt anyone that is keeping up with this has realized the pattern. Unfortunately, that pattern is not as cool as the leopard print on the makeup bag.


October 8, 2012

Remnants of a pizza for lunch. Box, plastic wrapper, pizza cutter, spatula, cookie sheet (with awesome pizza crust stuck/burnt to it) and the potholder. Can't be certain but there's a 99.9% chance that the plate was left wherever the pizza was consumed.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Here we have an open bag of BBQ potato chips. Because, who doesn't like stale potato chips? An empty Lean Cuisine box, the wrapper from the Lean Cuisine, and the knife used to pop holes in the wrapper.

Then we find the Lean Cuisine lasagna which seems to have literally zero bites taken out of it. I'd talk about the starving children in Africa here but, really, I don't give a shit about them. I do commend her effort in at least putting the plate and fork near the sink, usually we find this wonderful setup sitting in the living room somewhere.

However, the sad thing about this and the first picture is that the trash can is literally no more than 5 feet away from where these things are sitting. She either gives no fucks, or gives no fucks. I'm going with gives no fucks.

Finally we have a mirror that was used to put on makeup. Left sitting in the living room on the coffee table. Where it belongs, of course.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

I thought about giving her a break on this one. After all, it was the day after her birthday.


Kicking things off with a lovely McDonald's bag and drink left in the living room.

Then she moved on to dying her hair (packet left literally 1 foot away from a trashcan). And then doing some straightening and cutting. She also left the shower head dangling. I guess I should count my lucky stars she at least left all of this stuff in the bathroom and it required no more than tossing it all in the under-sink cabinet to put it up, with the exception of the scissors which go in the kitchen. You don't even want to see the towel covered in black hair dye. It was a white towel originally. As per usual, her M.O. is to leave as many lights on as possible. She didn't disappoint on this day.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 2012

Nothing like pizza, makeup and nails, in the living room (again), to get your afternoon started. Once again the lights left on. What you can't tell from the picture is the TV was left on and the volume turned up to a ridiculous level.